The future of public procurement in England
The Government published its response to its consultation on the Green Paper on Transforming Public Procurement, summarising its position on issues and how it intends to deal with them. Read on for a summary of the most notable changes that we can expect.
NHS Provider Selection Regime: How will the procurement of healthcare services change?
Following a consultation on the new NHS Provider Selection Regime, read more on how healthcare services might be procured in future and how Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) can start preparing for the new regulations and guidance.
Procurement reform – the timetable for change
The Cabinet Office has now given an indication of the timetable for procurement reform, with the new legislation expected in 2023 at the earliest. This is later than we had anticipated. Read more on what to expect and how to prepare in our insight.
Public procurement “how to” series: Episode 3 – The selection stage
In this episode Kay Day and Mary Mundy discuss the selection stage of the procurement procedure, including the purpose of selection questions, the importance of finance tests and the need for staff training and robust record keeping at this stage.
Public procurement “how to” series: Episode 2 – Preparing to launch the procurement
This episode covers what contracting authorities need to know, required documents, key tips for valuing the contract, and future-proofing the procurement/contract.
What does the Health and Care Bill mean for procurement, patient choice and competition?
The long-awaited Health and Care Bill was published on 6 July 2021. We set out the practical impact of the upcoming changes in procurement, patient choice and competition.
All the latest PPNs in one place: what procurement teams need to know
The Cabinet Office has published a number of new and updated Procurement Policy Notes this month. We summarise the key messages and points of action for procurement practitioners.
Public procurement “how to” series: Episode 1 – Pre-procurement market engagement
We start at the beginning of the procurement lifecycle and cover pre-procurement market engagemen (AKA “soft market testing”).
Procurement reform – Full steam ahead
The Queen’s speech last week has confirmed that it is full steam ahead with procurement reform, with the new Procurement Bill expected in September 2021. We outline the next steps in our insight.
Procurement case law - winter 2020/2021
In this update, Capsticks’ procurement specialists summarise two important procurement cases for bidders and contracting authorities from winter 2020/2021.
Procurement Policy Note 01/21: Procurement in an emergency
PPN 01/21 reiterates the PPN issued at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic setting out the procurement options available to Contracting Authorities during an emergency—further highlighting the commercial risks inherent in direct awards without competition.
Procurement reform - Will the grass be greener on the other side?
The Government has issued its Green Paper on procurement reform. In this insight, we examine the proposals, whether this will be the simpler, cheaper regime promised and what procurement might look like for registered providers in the future.