Housing case law - February 2021
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
Multi-billion pound intervention to remove unsafe cladding
The Housing Secretary has unveiled an unsafe cladding removal scheme which will add £3.5bn on top of the existing £1.6bn set aside—providing reassurance to leaseholders, allowing homeowners to once again buy and sell these properties freely.
Procurement Policy Note 01/21: Procurement in an emergency
PPN 01/21 reiterates the PPN issued at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic setting out the procurement options available to Contracting Authorities during an emergency—further highlighting the commercial risks inherent in direct awards without competition.
Phosphate mitigation and the impact on new developments
Last year, Natural England wrote to Local Planning Authorities setting out concerns over the increase of phosphates into the eco system due to new developments. We set out how this will impact any proposed development and what this means for RPs.
‘Right to Regenerate’: an easier way to buy unused land for development?
The new "Right to Regenerate" aims to make it easier to develop vacant, void, or derelict buildings. We examine the proposal and its impact on developers and providers of affordable housing.
Housing case law - January 2021
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
Proposed leasehold reforms: what housing providers need to know
The Housing Secretary has announced a series of changes to reduce the financial burden currently placed on many leaseholders and create a fairer and simpler system of home ownership. We summarise these reforms and what they mean for housing providers.
Procurement reform - Will the grass be greener on the other side?
The Government has issued its Green Paper on procurement reform. In this insight, we examine the proposals, whether this will be the simpler, cheaper regime promised and what procurement might look like for registered providers in the future.
"Ban on eviction" extended in England and Wales from 11 January 2021
The restrictions on enforcing possession proceedings and the eviction ban were due to expire on 11 January but the current state of the pandemic has seen new, separate, regulations in England and Wales extending the ban. We set out the latest position.
Leasehold reforms: what can you expect from the new proposals?
On 7 January the Housing Minister announced that there will be some significant leasehold reforms for England put before parliament in the coming months. We set out the reasons for the reforms and the key changes we expect them to bring.
Below threshold procurement after Brexit: What are our clients asking us?
The Cabinet Office has issued a new PPN setting out principles for the procurement of “below threshold” contracts following Brexit. We answer some of the most common questions around the new PPN.
Housing case law - December 2020
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.