The social housing white paper: Chapter 7
Chapter 7: To be supported to take your first step to ownership. The long awaited social housing white paper, The Charter for Social Housing Residents, was published on 17 November—we summarise the seventh chapter and what this means for landlords.
Court of Appeal ends controversy around Notices to Quit following death of a tenant
In a recent decision where Capsticks acted on behalf of the landlord, the Court of Appeal resolved the thorny issue concerning service of a copy of the Notice to Quit on the public trustee as well as the personal representatives.
Lessons learnt from the ICO’s data protection fine against British Airways
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published its monetary penalty notice against British Airways (BA), in a sum of £20 million. We summarise the incident, the key points of the notice and what to take away.
Housing case law - October 2020
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
Key considerations for stock transfer deals during the COVID-19 pandemic
With large numbers of homes expected to change hands over the coming 12–18 months, we consider what housing providers need to do to factor the current COVID-19 pandemic into their planning process.
Stock rationalisation
We share our experience on managing a successful stock rationalisation project (including consultation) and draw on our extensive experience in the sector in this Q&A video.
Shared ownership reform: What do the new proposals mean for tenants and registered providers?
As a part of the government’s strategy towards increasing home ownership, significant proposals aimed at making shared ownership more accessible have now been announced. In this insight, we explore the government’s proposals and what this means for RPs.
Housing case law - September 2020
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
Possession cases: a roundup of the current position for housing providers
With the stay on possession cases due to be lifted on 20 September 2020, we summarise where we are now, and what you need to be doing in preparation for the lifting of the stay.
Housing case law - August 2020
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) discussion hour
We’ve got together with some of our valued clients to discuss how they’ve been managing anti-social behaviour (ASB) during the coronavirus outbreak.
The government’s planning reform: Planning for the future
The government published the much anticipated white paper on 5 August 2020, which focuses on the reform of the English planning system. We summarise the key aims, the changes proposed and what they mean for housing providers.