Gearing up for the resumption of possession cases - part 2
CPR PD55C makes temporary rules that will apply between 23/08/2020 and 28/03/2021 for existing possession claims, as well as new claims issued within specific timelines. We consider the position for social housing providers in relation to each category.
Changes to notices in possession cases in Wales from 24 July 2020
The Welsh Ministers have exercised powers under Schedule 29 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 to alter the minimum period of notice a landlord must now give assured (shorthold) tenants of a property in Wales before possession proceedings can be issued.
Permitted development rights – why it’s important to check your planning history
On 1 July 2020, the Planning Inspectorate heard an appeal in which it appears to have come to the opposite conclusion of its previous decision on the application of permitted development rights. We examine the outcome details and what this means for RPs.
Permitted development rights – what are new allowances for residential and commercial buildings?
To address the ongoing issue of the UK’s housing shortage, the government has announced the extension of permitted development rights, speeding up the development process. We explore these initiatives and what they mean for registered providers (RPs).
Gearing up for the resumption of possession cases – part 1
We review the latest developments to social housing providers preparing for the anticipated lifting of the stay on possession proceedings: the new Practice Direction on dealing with possession cases and the opening of Nightingale Courts.
Housing case law - July 2020
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
Build, Build, Build!
As a result of COVID-19, Boris Johnson has put forward his ‘New Deal’ to boost the struggling UK economy and to address the ongoing issue of the UK’s housing shortage. We set out the new measures and investments of the deal and what they mean for RPs.
Is the stay that stayed longer to stay no more?
In just over six weeks’ time, it is expected that the stay on possession proceedings, initially imposed by CPR PD 51Z until 25 June 2020 and then extended by CPR 55.29 until 23 August 2020, will be lifted. We explain what this means for RPs.
The Code of Practice for commercial property relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic and the extension on forfeiture
The government has extended the regulations protecting commercial tenants from eviction to 30 September, and also produced the Code of Practice for commercial property relationships during COVID-19. We set out what the extension and code mean for RPs.
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) after lockdown
This short video highlights a number of key areas for social housing providers to consider after the ease of the COVID-19 lockdown—exploring case management principles, discussions around risk assessments, tools and powers and preparing for change.
COVID-19: A review of the sector’s response by the Regulator of Social Housing
In its latest monthly Coronavirus Operational Survey Reports (COSR), the RSH has been reviewing how well registered providers are coping with challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and looking forwards to what the future may look like for our sector.
Section 21 Notice and ‘late’ gas safety certificates
The Court of Appeal gave judgment on whether landlords can recover possession via a notice under s21 of the Housing Act when they had failed to provide the tenant with a gas safety certificate before occupation. We explore what the decision means for RPs.