COVID-19: Inquest FAQs
We have compiled these FAQs for healthcare, social care, emergency services and housing sectors regarding how coroners are approaching inquests in the current climate and how demands on organisations and their professional witnesses can best be managed.
COVID-19 and possession proceedings: New amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules
Amendments to Practice Direction 51Z to the Civil Procedure Rules, which have immediate effect, were announced on the judiciary’s website on 20 April 2020. We highlight the key amendments and what they mean for social housing providers.
A right to shared ownership: A new opportunity for housing association tenants
The new pilot 'Shared Ownership Right to Buy' scheme allows Housing Association tenants to buy a share in their home for as little as 10%. We set out the conditions of the scheme and its implications for housing associations here.
Housing case law - April 2020
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
Community Infrastructure Levy in respect of phased planning: What are the financial implications?
The first official judgment on a phased planning permission for the purpose of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) has been handed down by the High Court. We examine the implications for housing providers in this insight.
COVID-19 and information law: What does it mean for housing providers?
There are many concerns about the disruption and impact on business activity of the COVID-19 outbreak. In light of the changing circumstances, we have set out some key information law considerations and what it might mean for our housing clients.
COVID-19 and issuing possession proceedings: Clearing up some uncertainty
There has been some confusion and many questions around serving notices and taking possession proceedings during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope to clarify the position in England and Wales for social housing providers.
COVID-19: The impact on lending
The impact and outcome of COVID-19 may result in a technical breach of funding covenants, giving funders extensive powers. We explore the issues organisations could face and provide some top tips for the best results for your business.
COVID-19 and the new General Permitted Development Order
The General Permitted Development Order 2020 came into effect on 9 April, allowing local authorities and certain health service bodies to carry out development for dealing with emergencies. We look at its effect and impact in the current climate.
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) – How does it work in practice?
The government seeks to protect employment and avoid redundancies during the COVID-19 crisis by introducing the CJRS. With limited guidance available for this new employment concept, we answered some practical queries concerning housing organisations.
Possession proceedings and the new changes to the Civil Procedure Rules
With effect from 6 April 2020, the 113th amendment of the Civil Procedure Rules (“CPR”) has made a number of changes. We outline those most important to social housing providers preparing their own documentation for court.
COVID-19: How to keep a planning permission alive
COVID-19 may result in planning and construction projects being halted by the authorities. We have identified key struggles housing providers will face when aiming to keep their planning permission, and set out a proactive approach to overcome each issue.