Dealing with anti-social behaviour during COVID-19 lockdown
It has been widely publicised that ASB cases are likely to rise during lockdown as tensions build. We discuss what this means for RPs who have obligations in tackling ASB in accordance with policy, procedures and regulation.
Repairs, disrepair and despair: Obligations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Social distancing measures pose challenges to landlords in meeting their contractual and statutory obligations in relation to repairs and safety inspections— we look at the legal position and what this means for RPs.
Moving House – Government guidelines during COVID-19
New Government guidance has been issued on the practicalities of moving home during the current COVID-19 lockdown in the UK. This Insight takes you through ​some practical considerations that need to be taken into account.
Dealing with anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic
The ‘social distancing’ measures across the UK have already seen a surge in anti-social behaviour (ASB) and domestic abuse. We explore the tools available to you to deal with anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse during this pandemic.
Top tips when considering your procurement options for COVID-19 issues
For housing providers reviewing contracts and their procurement options as a result of COVID-19 issues, we recommend using the Cabinet Office PPN 01/20 as a useful “checklist” of your options. We set out some practical tips and guidance to consider.
COVID-19: The new gas safety guidance – a risk based approach
Due to COVID-19, many social landlords have been clarifying their responsibilities to The Gas Safety Regulations. The new guidance emphasises the need to engage with tenants in a “pragmatic, common-sense approach” to meet regulatory requirements.
The impact of COVID-19 on County Court proceedings
The Coronavirus Act became law on 25 March 2020 and its provisions in respect of housing are now in force. We explore the housing provisions and your concerns around county court proceedings in the current climate.
Commercial leases: Non-payment of rent
The Coronavirus Act includes a ban on forfeiture of commercial leases for non-payment of rent for the next 3 months, affecting RPs who are landlords of commercial units. Here are the practical steps you can take to minimise the impact on your business.
COVID-19 delay clause for property contracts
An industry standard clause has been proposed to deal with COVID-19 delays. In this insight we explore, what the clause says and the impact it may have on you and your property contracts.
Relief for suppliers in light of COVID-19
The Cabinet Office has published a Procurement Policy Note – Supplier relief due to COVID-19 with information and guidance for public bodies on the payment of their suppliers, effective immediately until 20 June 2020.
COVID-19: Mutual exchanges in the current climate
Most RPs and LAs are now looking to focus their reduced services on urgent matters and are looking to see what can be stopped/delayed. We examine the impact on mutual exchanges, assured tenants and what this means for RPs.
Fitness for Human Habitation – what does the act say?
Housing associations have been anticipating the full implementation of the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018. As of 20 March 2020, all relevant tenancies are now subject to the Act, via the amendment it makes to the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985.