Monthly housing case law September 2017 update
The High court has allowed an appeal against the making of a possession order made in favour of the claimant council (Dacorum).
High Court gives unprecedented unlawful profit order guidance
The High Court has overturned a suspended possession order
Finding capacity to drive supply
Social housing and capsticks brought together housing sector leaders
Employment law changes for the housing sector - what you should know
April 2017 will see a number of changes in employment law coming into force
Out with the old and in with the new
The old consent regime to dispose of social housing dwellings and land has today been replaced with the duty to notify the HCA of any Relevant Disposals after the event.
Risky business on the frontline
This insight provides a snapshot of the risky business in managing Anti-Social Behaviour, Tenancy Fraud and Safeguarding.
Enforcing suspended orders - new court forms released
An insight into the Court of Appeal decision in Cardiff CC v Lee.
Changes to the Housing Act notices and mandatory claims - are you up to speed?
NoSP, ground for possession and evicting persons disqualified from renting are all changes being introduced on 1 December 2016 that will affect both private and social landlords.
Hot topics in leasehold
An insight into some of the hot topics in leasehold law.
Recovering your unpaid charges
Is your organisation owed Service and Estate charge payments?
Cannabis factories and suspended orders
Two recent Court of Appeal cases have created quite a stir on the issue of whether or not a possession order should be suspended, despite the judge not believing the tenant’s evidence at the trial.
An update on voluntary Right to Buy
Following our recent article, “Voluntary Right to Buy: getting ready” we have received an update from the NHF on some points.