The GM2030 report – which role will local housing providers play?
By 2030, Greater Manchester aims to become a place of innovation, reach its net zero targets and create highly skilled jobs for people to come and live in the region. Learn more about the key proposals impacting on housing and regeneration in our insight.
Ground rents on residential leases will soon be gone – here’s what registered providers need to know about the Leasehold Reform Act 2022
The Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022 will remove ground rent payments for new residential long leases. Read on to find out which leases are affected, the changes landlords can expect and our top tips for complying with the new provisions.
In the News
Housing Case Law - June 2022
Read our monthly housing case law update, summarising the latest cases and court decisions in one practical update, so you can devote more time to supporting your tenants.
Right to Buy Expansion- Key Points to Note
Boris Johnson has announced the government’s new Right to Buy scheme during his speech in Blackpool this afternoon. This follows on from a pilot scheme rolled out in the Midlands between 2018 and 2021.
Housing Case Law - May 2022
Read our monthly housing case law update, summarising the latest cases and court decisions in one practical update, so you can devote more time to supporting your tenants.
The economic predictions and current risks registered providers should consider now
The 2022 Social Housing Finance Conference focused on the current economic and political instability, and what RPs can do to keep ahead of the curve. We summarise the key messages for housing providers we took away from the conference.
What the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill means for planning law and delivery of affordable housing
The Bill proposes changes to existing planning legislation including local government, planning, and compulsory purchase. Our experts explore the potential changes to the planning system and the impacts they could have on the delivery of new housing.
How will the Ground Rent reform change residential leases?
Going forward, leaseholders will (subject to a few exceptions) effectively pay nothing in respect of ground rent on new or replacement leases. We summarise everything landlords need to know about the new legislation.
A room with a view: Legal considerations for landlords regarding the use of Ring cameras and other domestic CCTV
Landlords are increasingly installing domestic CCTV to deter and detect fly-tipping, ASB, and using footage as evidence in enforcement. Read on for an overview of recent decisions and our advice on how you can minimise the risk of legal challenges.
How will the First Homes scheme impact registered providers?
The First Homes scheme is the Government’s new preferred tenure ahead of social rent. In this insight, we examine the First Homes scheme and set out the issues RPs need to be aware of.
How will the Levelling Up White Paper change the social housing sector?
The White Paper recognises that social housing will play a significant role in narrowing the gap between top performing and other areas of the country. We summarise the key announcements for social housing from the perspective of RPs and developers.
Does the Consumer Code for Home Builders benefit registered providers?
The Consumer Code for Home Builders operates to provide additional protection to those purchasing newly built properties from developers and builders. We provide our answers to frequently asked questions we have received from RPs.