Supreme Court rules that care workers are only entitled to national minimum wage for the times they are awake for the purposes of working
The Supreme Court upheld the Court of Appeal’s decision that workers required to do sleep-in shifts were only entitled to National Minimum Wage when awake for purposes of working.
COVID-19 FAQs: The extended Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and furlough leave
The Government announced the launch of the new Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), where employers can “furlough” staff and HMRC will reimburse up to 80% of the employee’s wages, up to a maximum of £2,500 per month.
Deploying staff: how to adopt a flexible approach and manage risks
Deploying staff flexibly between NHS Trusts, GP practices and other organisations is key to enabling new models of care, improving service resilience and ensuring continuity of care. We explore how the system-wide approach works and how to manage risks.
Procurement Policy Note 01/21: Procurement in an emergency
PPN 01/21 reiterates the PPN issued at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic setting out the procurement options available to Contracting Authorities during an emergency—further highlighting the commercial risks inherent in direct awards without competition.
Clinical Law Insight: Winter 2020/2021
Welcome to the latest edition of our Clinical Law Insight, in which we report on the latest appeal decisions, medico-legal and ethical issues arising from Covid-19, as well as new reports on safety and learning.
Reform of the Mental Health Act
Following the independent review of the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) led by Sir Simon Wessley, the Government’s whitepaper was published on 13 January 2021.
Decision-making by 16-18 year olds: Is a child’s refusal to consent to treatment determinative?
A recent case which relates to an under 18 year old Jehovah’s Witness who required blood transfusions, considered whether a child’s refusal to treatment is ever determinative or whether it can be overridden by the courts.
Duty of public involvement and approving a SOC for NHS hospital development
The High Court handed down its judgment in the judicial review case of Glatter v NHS Herts Valleys CCG and West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust. In this insight, we summarise the case and explain what impact the decision will have on the NHS.
Medical Malpractice Forward View 2021
In this year’s forward view, we consider issues ranging from the practicalities of future court hearings in a pandemic to resource arguments that will have to be considered in claims as well as key decisions in the year ahead.
AI likely to assist in the post-Covid recovery of healthcare services, but could be a ‘disrupter’ in healthcare law
In recent years we have started to see Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used across medicine from radiology reporting to cancer diagnosis and ophthalmology.
Decision in Maughan may lead not only to an increase in requests for an unlawful killing conclusion at inquest, but have wider consequences
The recent Supreme Court decision in Maughan means that all inquest conclusions (including suicide and unlawful killing) should now be decided on the balance of probabilities, rather than the criminal standard of proof which applied previously.
Spotlight on two pending court decisions
Two cases awaiting decisions from the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal respectively, could have a significant impact for healthcare organisations.