Cap on public sector exit payments—Guidance and HM Treasury Direction published
The draft Restriction of Public Sector Exit Payments Regulations 2020, capping public sector exit payments at £95,000 will come into force on 4 November. The accompanying Government Guidance and HM Treasury Directions have now been published.
Staff wellbeing during the pandemic and legal considerations for employers
The Government’s announcement that as COVID-19 infection rates rise, workers who can work from home should do so, will cause many employers to reassess their staffing requirements and refresh their efforts in respect of wellbeing.
Lessons learnt from the ICO’s data protection fine against British Airways
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published its monetary penalty notice against British Airways (BA), in a sum of £20 million. We summarise the incident, the key points of the notice and what to take away.
Cap on public sector exit payments in force from 4 November
The draft Restriction of Public Sector Exit Payments Regulations 2020 (“the Regulations”), capping public sector exit payments at £95,000, have now been approved by Parliament, and will come into force on 4 November.
Court of Appeal decides on assessing the value of accommodation claims
The Court of Appeal has now handed down the ruling in Swift v Carpenter and set out a new way of assessing the value of claims for accommodation. It has departed from the established methodology previously laid down in the case of Roberts v Johnstone.
Who Pays? New guidance on responsibility for NHS payments to providers
The updated Who Pays? guidance sets out a framework for determining which NHS body is responsible for paying a healthcare service provider for an individual’s care or treatment. All CCGs must have regard to the guidance.
Clinical Law Insight: Summer 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our Clinical Law Insight, in which we consider developments in clinical negligence claims, inquests and the healthcare advisory sector.
‘First Do No Harm’ - the report of the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review
‘First Do No Harm’, the long-awaited report of the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review has been published, including recommendations around apologies, redress, specialist care, data collection and the role of the MHRA.
Panel failed to properly apply the Sanctions Guidance
In General Medical Council v Saeed [2020] EWHC 830 (Admin), the Court allowed an appeal by the General Medical Council on the basis that a panel had failed to properly apply the Sanctions Guidance
Decision not to put relevant Court of Appeal judgment before panel was wrong
The Court has held that it had been wrong for the General Medical Council (GMC) and registrant to agree to exclude a relevant Court of Appeal judgment from the bundle put before a panel on the question of sanction.
Scottish Court considers evidence of good character
A Scottish Court dismissed an appeal by a doctor who had been erased from the register after it was held that she had been dishonest in preparing an expert report that had numerous inaccuracies.
Reminder that only in exceptional circumstances will time for appeal be extended
In Gupta v General Medical Council [2020] EWHC 38 (Admin), the Court struck out a doctor’s appeal on the basis that it had been brought out of time.