GT, Re [2020] EWCOP 28I: Court of Protection best interests and the use of s63 Mental Health Act 1983
The CoP declared that it is in P’s best interests to have a feeding tube inserted to provide him with nutrition and prevent deterioration and a potentially fatal collapse, despite P refusing such treatment. We explain the decision and what to take away.
COVID-19: Top tips for remote inquest hearings
As we see the re-opening of Coroners’ courts following the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue our series of inquest-related insights with our top tips for partially remote inquest hearings.
Confidentiality guidance changes: national consultation launched on revised Caldicott Principles and arrangements
The National Data Guardian launched a consultation on the future Caldicott Principles and extending the need to appoint ‘Caldicott Guardians’ across all organisations in health and adult social care. We explain the consultation’s scope and how to respond.
COVID-19: New Chief Coroner’s guidance on remote hearings
As we see the re-opening of courts following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chief Coroner has issued new guidance on "Remote participation in Coronial proceedings via video and audio broadcast". In this insight, we comment on the key points of the guidance.
Return to work and risk assessments during COVID-19: Health and social care
For a successful return to work during COVID-19, employers have a duty to carry out a risk assessment, implement safe systems of work and to keep these under review. Our risk assessment flowchart sets out the key issues for employers to consider.
COVID-19: Social care FAQs on Deprivation of Liberty and movement in the community
This FAQ provides a summary of the current position and the factors which care providers, care co-ordinators and commissioners of community care need to be aware of and actively consider when looking at the care and treatment service users are receiving.
COVID-19: Inquest FAQs
We have compiled these FAQs for healthcare, social care, emergency services and housing sectors regarding how coroners are approaching inquests in the current climate and how demands on organisations and their professional witnesses can best be managed.
How much of a medical record can a personal representative see?
The Access to Health Records Act 1990 grants a statutory right of access to the medical records of the deceased to certain individuals in certain circumstances. The High Court has recently looked at the scope of that right for personal representatives.
COVID-19: Clinical risk and indemnity considerations
COVID-19 has permeated every aspect of health and social care, presenting challenges to the NHS and private sector. The situation is evolving but key concerns are highlighted in this Insight with practical advice on managing risk and indemnity issues.
COVID-19: An action plan for social care
On 15 April 2020, the Government issued the “COVID-19: Our Action Plan for Adults Social Care”. We set out an overview of the plan, which includes the creation of the care sector's own brand (CARE), and link it to some guidance already issued.
COVID-19 and the new General Permitted Development Order
The General Permitted Development Order 2020 came into effect on 9 April, allowing local authorities and certain health service bodies to carry out development for dealing with emergencies. We look at its effect and impact in the current climate.
COVID-19: Landlord and tenant FAQs
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic is creating a number of challenges for landlords and tenants, and we are advising on the issues arising from the restrictions in place. Here we answered some FAQs and set out practical options for you to consider.