COVID-19 and general practice indemnity
COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges for general practice in relation to the delivery of care. We answer common questions about indemnity cover arising from changes to personnel and the way that care is delivered during the emergency.
Rogue employees and data breaches – when is an employer liable?
The Supreme Court has determined that an otherwise blameless employer should not be vicariously liable where a rogue employee stole HR information relating to colleagues, as part of a vendetta against his employer.
COVID-19: Making emergency service changes in response to the pandemic
Some NHS Trusts have already announced emergency service changes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Typically these changes are a response to an increase in the numbers of patients and a decrease in staff numbers due to sickness/self-isolation.
COVID-19 and the Mental Capacity Act
COVID-19 poses significant resource and logistics challenges for all those who work with protected parties who lack capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Here we explore how the principles of the MCA 2005, are to operate in a COVID-19 environment.
The Coronavirus Act 2020: Key provisions for healthcare organisations
The Coronavirus Act gives the government the power to take urgent action to tackle the issues caused by the virus. We highlight the key provisions in healthcare, including the ongoing changes the Act brings and how it may impact your organisation.
COVID-19 and the Continuing Healthcare (CHC) funding
The Coronavirus Act 2020 effectively suspends CCG’s and NHS Trust’s duties to carry out assessments under Regulations 21 and 28 of the NHS Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning Groups Regulations 2012, and the CHC Framework.
COVID-19: Discharge processes
The anticipated strain on acute beds, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, has meant that hospitals need to ensure beds are used only for those patients strictly in need of in-hospital clinical care.
COVID-19: Clinical claims – guidance and support
We have been helping clients in a number of ways in light of the unprecedented situation with the COVID-19 pandemic—here we set out examples of the support that we are giving and other useful guidance.
The coronavirus bill: a social care perspective
On 17 March 2020 the Government released details of emergency legislation, the coronavirus bill, which will be presented to the House of Commons imminently and become law by the end of March.
Clinical Law Insight: Spring 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our Clinical Law Insight, in which we consider developments in clinical negligence claims, inquests and the healthcare advisory sector.
Paterson Inquiry recommendations: Engaging with patients
A number of the recommendations in the Paterson Inquiry report relate to the information being provided to patients to enable them to make an informed choice.
Safety and learning in the post-Paterson era
The Paterson Inquiry report made safety and learning recommendations around multi-disciplinary working (in both the independent and wider healthcare sectors), complaints handling and patient recall (ongoing care and procedures generally).