High Court gives green light for hyper-acute stroke units in Kent
The High Court has handed down judgment in joined cases where the Claimants challenged the decision of the Kent and Medway CCGs to establish hyper-acute stroke units (HASUs) at three hospital sites in the county.
Court provides clarification as to how NHS Continuing Healthcare assessment decisions should be conducted and challenged
In R (Gossip) v NHS Surrey Downs CCG [2019] EWHC (Admin), Mr Gossip judicially reviewed NHS Surrey Downs CCG’s (the “CCG”) decision that he was not eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding (CHC).
Capsticks Healthcare Roundup - January/February 2019
In this month’s newsletter we’re featuring an article from Partner Lee Clarke on his work on major healthcare infrastructure and hospital development projects, as well as our usual roundup of our latest insights and upcoming events.
Paterson Inquiry: recommendations from the report
The long awaited Paterson Inquiry report has come out today.
Top Social Care Articles - January 2020
Read our monthly news series, which provide summaries of the latest news items and key cases in social care.
Spotlight on seven key decisions in 2020 affecting healthcare providers and insurers
Seven key cases either awaiting decisions or coming before the Supreme Court in 2020 that are likely to have a significant impact for healthcare organisations.
Paterson Inquiry report due in early 2020
Consultant breast surgeon Ian Paterson is serving 20 years in prison following convictions for unlawful wounding/wounding patients with intent.
Where next on the appropriate approach to future accommodation claims?
With the Personal Injury Discount Rate remaining in negative territory, arguments for the traditional Roberts & Johnstone approach to be replaced are likely to gather pace.
Fixed Recoverable Costs should contribute to controlling the rising costs of clinical negligence claims, but there is further work to be done
This year the government will decide on the level of fixed fees to adopt for the proposed new standard and light tracks for lower value clinical negligence claims.
Mediation and other forms of dispute resolution are set to continue rising in medical malpractice claims
NHS Resolution has reported settlement of a record number of claims through alternative means such as mediation
Challenges to dishonest claims against health providers will continue to rise
Section 57 of The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 made it easier for Defendants to challenge dishonest claims.
The new Clinical Trials Regulation – implementation date likely to be delayed
EU Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014 (‘CTR’) is due to apply in member states in 2020 during the transition period after Brexit.