New proposals for patient safety in the NHS
NHS England/Improvement’s new Patient Safety Strategy calls for a ‘significant improvement’ in the way in which the NHS learns, treats staff and involves patients. Learn more about the new strategy and the implications for healthcare organisations.
Clinical Law Insight: Autumn 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of our Clinical Law Insight, in which we consider developments in clinical negligence claims, inquests and the healthcare advisory sector.
Capsticks Healthcare Roundup - October 2019
In this month’s healthcare newsletter Dylan Young talks about some of the common mistakes made by contracting authorities during the procurement process, and how to avoid them.
New regulations and guidance on referring deaths to the coroner
On 1 October 2019 the Notification of Death Regulations 2019, which cover the reporting of deaths to a coroner in certain ‘prescribed circumstances, came into force.
Health and safety fines: the extent of parental (company) responsibility
In a decision handed down last Friday, the Criminal Court of Appeal provided some welcome guidance on how to treat group and parent companies when setting the level of fines.
Safety and learning in maternity: NHS Resolution’s Early Notification scheme progress report
NHS Resolution has published a report on the first year of its Early Notification (EN) scheme. The EN scheme supports the government’s aim to halve the rate of stillbirth, neonatal death/brain injury and improve the safety of maternity care.
Capsticks Healthcare Roundup - September 2019
In September's roundup on healthcare highlights, our Head of Human Resources Advisory, Claire Shaw, talks about the importance of recognising when a case should be subject to investigation and how to ensure a quality process.
High Court refuses to prevent Trust from proceeding to a disciplinary hearing
Capsticks represented the Trust in Al-Obaidi v Frimley Health NHS Trust. The High Court has today issued Judgment refusing a permanent injunction to prevent the Trust from continuing with disciplinary proceedings against Dr Al–Obaidi.
Top Social Care Articles - August 2019
Our monthly series provides summaries of the key news items in social care.
Regulatory Newsletter - September 2019
Read the September 2019 edition of our newsletter, which reviews recent cases and examines key decisions from the last few months relevant to professional regulators.
Delay could be fatal for bidders in the tendering game
In Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust v Cornwall Council [2019] EWHC 2211 (TCC) the Technology and Construction Court has again confirmed that it is very risky for a bidder to delay bringing a claim under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
Capsticks Healthcare Roundup - August 2019
In August's roundup Corporate and Commercial Partner, Tracy Giles, talks about delivering the ambitions in the NHS Long Term plan.