Further occupations added to the Shortage Occupation List
On 23 July 2019 the Government confirmed its intention to adopt the recommendations of the Migration Advisory Committee to include a range of additional occupations on the Shortage Occupation List.
Guidance for NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts Applying for Transfer of NHS PS or CHP Property
The Department of Health and Social Care published guidance on the procedures in relation to the transfer of primary and community care properties currently owned by NHS Property Services or Community Health Partnerships to NHS Trusts or NHS FTs.
NHSE and NHSI set targets to reduce disciplinary cases involving BME staff
NHS England and NHS Improvement have set targets for reducing number of disciplinary cases involving black and minority ethnic (BME) employees throughout the NHS as part of a drive towards a just culture.
Implications of Deprivation of Liberty Changes for Care Homes
On 16 May the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 replaced the current Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards regime with the Liberty Protection Safeguards. We outline some of the key changes and the concerns for care home registered managers.
Top Social Care insights - June 2019
Read our roundup of the top insights from across the social care sector.
Court of Appeal gives judgment in Flowers case on overtime and holiday pay
Calculating holiday pay and Agenda for Change (AfC)—read our analysis of the Court of Appeal’s decision in 'Flowers and others v East of England Ambulance Trust,' and the key takeaways for NHS employers here.
Social Housing and Care Homes – Employment Quarterly Update (May 2019)
Over the last few months we have seen the launch of the EU settled status scheme amid continued uncertainty over Brexit, and the publication of the latest gender pay gap reports. Read our latest employment law update for social housing and care homes.
Clinical Law Insight: May 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of Clinical Law Insight, in which we consider developments in clinical negligence claims, inquests and the healthcare advisory sector.
Employers must record workers’ daily working time
The European Court of Justice (CJEU) has ruled that employers must keep records of all hours worked by each worker in order to ensure compliance with the working time limits in the Working Time Directive.
Court of Appeal confirms that inquest conclusion of ‘suicide’ should be determined on balance of probabilities
In the case of Maughan (2018), the Divisional Court determined that the criminal standard of proof (‘beyond reasonable doubt’) is no longer required for a Coroner to return a conclusion of death resulting from suicide.
Court of Appeal rejects appeal against dismissal for improper conversations about religion with patients
The Court of Appeal unanimously dismissed an appeal against an ET decision where a Trust, represented by Capsticks, had dismissed the Claimant for gross misconduct after she initiated inappropriate conversations about religion with patients.
Top Social Care insights - May 2019
Read our roundup of the top insights from across the social care sector.