Hammered by the GDPR
The reported data breach at West Ham United FC is a salutary warning to sports clubs of the potential consequences of an inadvertent data breach and highlights the potential long reach of the GDPR.
EAT dismisses breach of contract claim against NHS Trust
The EAT has handed down Judgment in a case in which Capsticks successfully defended an NHS Trust against a claim brought by a consultant.
Health Creation, Wealth Creation - fighting health inequalities using community assets
On 21 November, Capsticks sponsored the NHS Alliance Summit in Manchester, bringing together health and housing to tackle health creation across our communities.
New protection for NHS and emergency services staff
One in seven healthcare professionals was attacked in the course of their employment last year; the highest level for five years, according to an announcement by the Health and Social Care Secretary at the end of last month.
International income generation projects
Along with Healthcare UK, Capsticks hosted a workshop on 18 October 2018 to discuss the issue of income generation for Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)
Darnley: the Supreme Court rules on the case of the patient who left A&E after 19 minutes
An insight into the Supreme Court decision on the Darnley v Croydon Health Services NHS Trust case
Abnormally low tenders and the ill-advised use of solicitors to give evidence in court
An insight into the implications from the Tcase of SRCL Ltd v The National Health Service Commissioning Board
NHS Dorset CCG successfully defends judicial review of major service changes
The High Court dismissed an application for judicial review of the CCG’s decisions to make major service changes to health services in Dorset
Conducting moderation meetings: Lancashire Care
An insight into the implications from the Lancashire Care NHSFT and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHSFT v Lancashire County Council case.
New CHC framework - the changes and implications
The Department of Health and Social Care has amended the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing Care and issued a new version of the framework in March 2018.
Dr Bawa-Garba wins her appeal: Suspended, Not Erased
There are some cases where the facts are such that erasure of a doctor is the only proper and reasonable sanction. Dr Bawa-Garba’s case was not one of them.
No requirement for court approval to withdraw treatment in agreed prolonged disorder of consciousness cases
Supreme Court upholds decision on withdrawal of CANH in the case of NHS Trust v Y [2018] UKSC 46.