Inquest conclusion of “suicide” can now be determined on the balance of probabilities
The criminal standard of proof is no longer required for an inquest to determine that a death was as a result of suicide.
High Court grants interim injunction preventing NHS Trust from continuing disciplinary proceedings
The High Court has ruled that an employer cannot continue with disciplinary proceedings against an employee pending resolution of her claim that the proceedings are in breach of her contract of employment.
Court of Appeal confirms that allegations must be specific and factual to amount to protected disclosures
Court of Appeal has provided some further guidance on what will amount to a "protected disclosure" under the whistleblowing legislation.
Inquests: increase in public funding for representation for bereaved families
Guidance issued changing the way public funding for representation for families at Article 2 inquests is decided.
Access to health records - important changes to know
Important points to note about the charging regimes and finding the exemptions
Court of Appeal decision on duty to warn of risks of surgery
The Court of Appeal has provided further clarification on a doctor’s duty to disclose material risks to a patient.
Court maintains the suspension of a healthcare procurement in Lancashire Care case
For the first time the Court accepts that certain losses which were considerable but not catastrophic for the losing bidder could still not be adequately compensated by money.
EAT holds that dismissal without warning was fair even where no act of gross misconduct
The EAT has found that a Claimant’s summary dismissal, without any existing warnings, was fair even though he had not committed any single act of gross misconduct.
Judge finds DePuy metal-on-metal hip implant not “defective”
The Court handed down judgement in what is already being described as a landmark case for product litigation.
Reclaiming community estate overage
An insight into one of the key Government responses for NHS trusts and FTs that hold community estate.
GDPR – an essential guide for claims handlers
GDPR is an evolution of the earlier law set out in the Data Protection Act 1998 and many of the principles are similar. However, individuals have enhanced rights, and there are some more onerous obligations on organisations to demonstrate compliance.
High Court declares Senior Coroner’s ‘cab rank’ policy for handling burials unlawful
The Administrative Court has handed down a ruling that it is unlawful for coroners to ignore the requirements of faith communities when considering post-mortem management of bodies subject to their control.