Trust’s monitoring arrangements did not breach junior doctors’ contracts of employment
In this significant decision for NHS employers nationally, the High Court has reviewed the approach taken by numerous NHS Trusts to the monitoring of junior doctor rotas.
Intellectual property and the NHS
Read our insight into claims brought by independent / private health providers on Intellectual property issues
Ombudsman offers practical advice on contracts for social care providers
Following a rise in complaints from self-funders about Funded Nursing Care (FNC), the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman have recently published guidance for social care providers to help them provide clear cost information to service users.
New CQC inspection framework explained
In connection with HEFMA, Partner, Ian Cooper has written an insight outlining 10 things you need to know about the CQC’s new inspection framework.
Vaginal mesh – Recent developments and considerations for insurers
On Tuesday 30th January 2018 the Government announced that they would be launching an independent review into the use of vaginal mesh.
Government response to Naylor Review
The government has issued its long awaited response to the Naylor Review.
Medical malpractice forward view 2018
Last twelve months have highlighted the uncertainties in an ever changing and complex legal environment
Carillion: Liquidation- urgent action required
The second largest UK construction company, will send shockwaves
Sharing lessons from avoidable deaths
The NHS the first healthcare organisation in the world to publish such data
Disclosures made purely in self-interest are not protected
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has provided useful guidance on the scope of whistle blowing legislation
New CQC “KLOES” – are you prepared?
The new key lines of enquiry (KLOES) and ratings framework
Fourth annual report of the Chief coroner
Overview of the coroners service in 2016-17, the chief coroner’s