Bereavement damages incompatible with human rights
The court of appeal has declared that the current scheme for bereavement damages under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (FAA)
Latest holiday decision from the European court of justice
The ECJ handed down its judgment this week in King v Sash Windows Workshop Ltd
High Court applies new dishonesty test for the first time in a GMC case
Potentially changed the long standing Ghosh test on dishonesty by removing the subjective element
In conversation with Capsticks at the HSJ Summit
Summit provides a safe space for senior figures in the NHS
High Court confirms no requirement for court application for CANH withdrawal
The High Court confirmed that court approval was not required to withdraw Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration (‘CANH’)
Dismissal for failure to provide evidence of right to work in the UK
One of the potentially ‘fair reasons’ for dismissal under the Employment Rights Act 1996
Overseas visitors regulations – Are you prepared?
A government consultation on charging patients for care by the NHS
High Court ruling requires inquest to be held following criminal proceedings
The administrative court has very recently handed down an important judgment
Creating an integrated primary and secondary care system – Is your trust ready?
The Five Year Forward View makes it clear that the integration of primary and secondary care systems
Supreme Court ruling on discrimination claims against regulatory bodies
The Supreme Court has handed down its judgment in the case of Michalak v General Medical Council
Employment tribunal fees refund scheme begins
The government announced the first details of the employment tribunal fees refund scheme
Learning from mistakes and effective serious incident investigation
Serious incident (SI) investigations are a critical post incident analysis tool