The state of the care sector: ‘winter is coming’
An article written by Jamie Cuffe, Partner in our Commercial team.
Doctors and family who agree on withdrawal of feeding no longer need to apply to Court
On 20 September 2017, Mr Justice Peter Jackson (before moving on to the Court of Appeal) handed down a judgment that clarifies the law, for a difficult and emotive aspect of treatment, for both practitioners and families alike.
Changing times: Government publishes response to discount rate consultation
Last week, on the same day that the National Audit Office (NAO)
Department of Health issues guidance on “retire and return”
The Department of Health has issued new guidance for NHS employers
EAT upholds whistleblowing detriment claim against non-executive directors
The EAT ruled that two NEDs of the petroleum company were personally liable for losses flowing from the dismissal of the CEO after he was dismissed for making protected disclosures.
Revised NHSI guidance on IR35
NHS improvement has revised its guidance to NHS providers on whether or not workers providing services
Is your CCG constitution fit for the future?
The purdah period before the General Election provides CCGs with a great opportunity
Dismissal over concern regarding the real identity of a nurse found to be fair
The claimant, a Rwandan national, was dismissed after doubts were raised regarding her real identity.
Court of Appeal decision on duty of care for non-clinical staff
The NHSLA has successfully defended this important and ground breaking case on the duty of A&E receptionists and other non-clinical staff in a healthcare setting.
From 3 April - DoLS no longer a death 'in state detention'
In recent years the law has developed to require all deaths where a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) authorisation was in place to be referred to the coroner.
Further requirements for NHS providers wishing to engage off-payroll workers
Changes to the IR35 rules in respect of the taxation of off-payroll workers
An Inspector calls - but which one? The roles of HSE and CQC following health and safety incidents
The Health service journal reported earlier this week that southern health