Unmarried cohabitants entitled to receive survivor’s pension
UK public sector pension schemes, including the NHS pension scheme
Advertising in NHS premises: a cautionary tale
A number of companies in the UK offer publishing and information services to NHS bodies, this insight looks into the legal issues.
The NHS to publish data on avoidable deaths
Following the sad death of Connor Sparrowhawk in 2013 at Southern Health NHS Trust, Jeremy Hunt asked the CQC to conduct a national review into the way NHS trusts investigate and learn from the deaths of patients in England.
Bed blocking unlocked
The delayed transfer of care is a subject seldom out of the news, and the problem is becoming more acute.
Draft regulations extend access to NHS pension scheme to new care models
The Department of health has published for consultation a draft statutory instrument
The CQC and your estate – making sure you’re compliant
A look at 5 questions the CQC asks to ensure you're compliant.
CCGs in successful court application to lift an automatic suspension under the public contracts regulations
An insight into the implications from the case of Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust v NHS Swale Clinical Commissioning Group & Anor [2016] EWHC 1393 (TCC) (27 May 2016).
Sale and leaseback - key considerations
The number of sale and leaseback transactions involving primary care premises has increased over recent years and is currently at an exponential rate of growth.
CQC – Life after comprehensive inspections
The CQC has now completed its programme of comprehensive inspections of NHS Trusts.
Pay protection for junior doctors returning to training
The Employment Tribunal has handed down a decision regarding pay protection for junior doctors returning to training.
Providers of NHS healthcare: changes to procuring NHS services from 18th April
On 18th April 2016, CCGs’ and NHS England’s temporary exemption from the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) when procuring healthcare services for the NHS will come to an end.