Learning from the Paterson Inquiry: new legislation on regulation, co-operation between regulators and more
The government has published its long-awaited response to the Paterson Inquiry Report. Read the details and what you need to do next in our insight.
The latest on the Covid-19 Public Inquiry
Read the latest developments regarding the impending Public Inquiry, including what this means for you.
The NHS pension scheme is set to change – here’s what employers can expect
The Department of Health and Social Care is consulting on proposed changes to employee contribution rates to the NHS Pension Scheme. We summarise the key proposals you need to know about.
COVID-19: Workforce FAQs
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose significant workforce issues for healthcare organisations regarding the services they provide and the risks to staff. Here we share our FAQs in relation to these policies and communications with staff generally.
Mandatory vaccination requirements for workers in health and social care: Planning and preparation guidance for employers
NHSEI has shared operational guidance on preparing and implementing the new regulation requiring providers of regulated healthcare services to ensure that certain workers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Case study
How joint working and cross-sector collaboration can help you deliver world class healthcare facilities
The Pears Maudsley Centre is an exceptional example of joint working between the NHS and the clinical research and charity sectors and clearly illustrates what can be achieved despite the pressures on capital which continue across the NHS.
ICB due diligence: our top tips for carrying out policy reviews and risk assessments
NHS England and NHS Improvement's Readiness to Operate Statement Checklist sets out the due diligence CCGs need to carry out by the end of March 2022. We explain which key issues you need to consider in the due diligence exercise.
Key considerations for transferring CCG properties to Integrated Care Boards
CCGs need to review their property arrangements to ensure that relevant matters are included in the transfer arrangements. Find out which steps you need to take to make the transition as easy as possible and how to make property savings in the future.
Clinical Law Insight: Autumn 2021
Welcome to the autumn edition of our Clinical Law Insight. Hospital-acquired Covid-19 infections have been a more significant cause of death than previously appreciated. We consider how you can prepare for claims and for the Public Inquiry due in 2022.
Mandatory vaccination requirements for workers in health and social care: What employers need to know
New mandatory COVID-19 vaccine regulations for health and social care settings in England will come into force on 1 April 2022. Find out which actions you need to take in our insight.
Integrated care boards: Delegation of functions and governance arrangements
We look at what arrangements will be available for the delegation of integrated care board (ICB) functions, and key considerations for those tasked with developing the governance arrangements for emerging ICBs.
NHS Provider Selection Regime: How will the procurement of healthcare services change?
Following a consultation on the new NHS Provider Selection Regime, read more on how healthcare services might be procured in future and how Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) can start preparing for the new regulations and guidance.