EAT determines right to pay during suspension for zero hours and casual workers
The EAT has recently held that a bank worker was not entitled to receive pay whilst suspended from the bank pending investigation. Find out what the decision means for your bank worker arrangements and how to protect your organisation from similar claims.
CCG close down and ICB establishment due diligence: Your questions answered
The Health and Care Bill provides for the abolition of CCGs and the transfer of assets, rights, liabilities and staff to ICBs. We summarise key due diligence milestones, how it should be carried out, and where legal support is recommended.
Mandatory vaccination requirements for care home workers: What employers need to know
New regulations will come into force on 11 November 2021, requiring all persons working or deployed in a CQC registered care home to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, unless an exemption applies. We provide you with the latest developments.
Public procurement “how to” series: Episode 3 – The selection stage
In this episode Kay Day and Mary Mundy discuss the selection stage of the procurement procedure, including the purpose of selection questions, the importance of finance tests and the need for staff training and robust record keeping at this stage.
The Health and Care Bill: Implications for providers and commissioners
The Health and Care Bill was published on 6 July 2021. We will be issuing a series of “bite sized” updates on those aspects of the Bill that are likely to have most practical impact on your day-to-day work. You can access all of our resources here.
What does the Health and Care Bill mean for the establishment and governance of Integrated Care Systems?
The Health and Care Bill contains new details of the requirements for ICB constitutions, the membership of the ICB and the relationship with an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). Read more on how the changes will affect you in our insight.
What does the Health and Care Bill mean for employers and workforces?
Wellbeing, workforce planning, changes to the CCG/ICS workforce, and equality, diversity and inclusion are key considerations of the new Health and Care Bill. We set out the ways in which we think the Bill could impact on your organisation.
What does the Health and Care Bill mean for CQC regulation?
The Bill proposes for the CQC’s scope to be widened, including powers to appoint a special administrator for trusts, assess the performance of local authorities and police new hospital food standards. We summarise the changes and what they mean for you.
What does the Health and Care Bill mean for procurement, patient choice and competition?
The long-awaited Health and Care Bill was published on 6 July 2021. We set out the practical impact of the upcoming changes in procurement, patient choice and competition.
What does the Health and Care Bill mean for information governance and data sharing?
The long-awaited Health and Care Bill was published on 6 July 2021. Read more on the changes in terms of how data is used and shared in the health and social care sector.
What does the Health and Care Bill mean for service reconfiguration?
The long-awaited Health and Care Bill was published on 6 July 2021. We explain the implications of the Bill on the reconfiguration of NHS services.
Employment Appeal Tribunal confirms that judicial notice should still be taken of ‘the childcare disparity’ when deciding indirect sex discrimination claims
The Employment Appeal Tribunal upheld a Claimant’s appeal against the ET's decision to dismiss her claims of indirect sex discrimination on the basis that the ET failed to take judicial notice of ‘the childcare disparity’. Read more about the case here.