Diabetes and lower limb complications: a thematic review of clinical negligence claims
Following the latest thematic review by NHS Resolution looking at the issue of diabetes and lower limb complications, we summarise when healthcare providers can step in to improve patient care, and how to prevent future harm.
Hughes v Rattan – Court of Appeal reaffirms Barclays decision on vicarious liability
The Court of Appeal determined whether the former owner of a dental practice was liable for the treatment provided to a patient by three self-employed dental associates. Find out what the decision means for healthcare providers.
Spotlight on two liability decisions to watch out for in 2022
Two cases awaiting decisions from the Court of Appeal could have a significant impact for healthcare organisations.
Fixed recoverable costs in low value clinical negligence claims are on the horizon
The government is opening a consultation on fixed recoverable costs in low value clinical negligence claims. The proposed scheme aims to avoid litigation and speed up the exchange of evidence for faster agreement on liability, causation and quantum.
Concussion injury in elite sport will remain in the headlines
Concussion injury and its consequences continue to be in the news, with group litigation planned by both rugby and football players. We could see more claims of this nature, including from other sports where head injury is a risk.
Procedures and policies, including national policy decisions, will be central to defending Covid-related claims
Delays to non-Covid treatment is the leading type of claim against NHS Trusts to date, followed by Hospital-Acquired Covid (HAC) and failure to treat Covid appropriately.
Safety of medicines and medical devices will come under closer scrutiny
Safety of two medicines (Primodos and Sodium Valproate) and one device (pelvic mesh) was at the heart of the report of the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review. Read the latest update on this topic.
Medical Malpractice Forward View 2022
In this year’s forward view, we consider issues ranging from fixed recoverable costs in clinical negligence claims, claims resulting from COVID-19 treatment, major inquiries, clinical trials and healthcare technology.
Court of Appeal reviews aggregation clauses in insurance contracts
This is a useful judgment for insurers when considering multiple claims which follow the actions of a single individual. Read on for a summary of the case and what it means for insurers.
Medical Malpractice Review 2021
As 2021 draws to a close, we review some of the key decisions over the last eleven months which impact healthcare and those who provide indemnity to this sector.
Legal and practical considerations for the vicarious liability and indemnity arrangements: Key points
The topic of vicarious liability continues to evolve especially when considered alongside the issue of a non-delegable duty of care in the health setting. Read our top tips on how to deal with this issue.
Clinical Law Insight: Autumn 2021
Welcome to the autumn edition of our Clinical Law Insight. Hospital-acquired Covid-19 infections have been a more significant cause of death than previously appreciated. We consider how you can prepare for claims and for the Public Inquiry due in 2022.