Workforce considerations for Primary Care Networks
Through the new Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme, announced in the 2019 GP Contract Framework, further funding will be made available to Primary Care Networks to reimburse over 20,000 additional staff by 2024.
GP Practices: Getting your “house in order”
Before practices can form long lasting, effective working relationships with other practices and healthcare professionals, they need to make sure that their own “houses are in order."
The Network Contract DES: What we know, and what needs to be determined locally
The new Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) was announced in the recently-published Five Year GP Contract Framework.
GP Partnership Review – Final Report: Overview of the Primary Care Network Recommendation
Capsticks' examines the seven core recommendations from the GP Partnership Review. This edition looks as Recommendation 5, which outlines how Primary Care Networks should be established and operate.
Ockham Healthcare Podcast: The practical implications of establishing Primary Care Networks
Neha Shah featured on 'The General Practice Podcast,' where she discussed some of the legal, financial and governance issues facing general practice as it begins to establish Primary Care Networks.
The NHS Resolution Annual Customer Survey
The NHS Resolution annual customer survey is now live! Provide your feedback on their performance over the past year and let them know where they are doing well, or areas where there may be room for improvement.
GP Partnership Review – Final Report (January 2019)
The independent chair of the GP partnership review has completed inquiry into whether the partnership model is suitable for the future of general practice. We review the the main difficulties facing practices, as highlighted in this report.
Reinvigorating the GP Partnership Model
The spotlight is firmly on GP Partnerships as a model to take general practice forward. General practice is being pushed to work at scale, have multi-disciplinary teams, collaborate and generally just be “bigger and better”.
Why do I need a Declaration of Trust?
Puja Solanki addresses some of the most common questions we receive about Declarations of Trust
Employment quarterly update
See our latest quarterly employment law updates which includes recent cases and legal developments.
Considering a practice merger? Read this first
Neha Shah addresses some of the most FAQs our GP team receive on practice mergers.
Why do I need a partnership deed?
To welcome Puja to the firm we asked her to address some of the most common questions we receive on this topic from GPs and Practice Managers.