Clinical Law Insight: Autumn 2022
We cover the latest on the Covid-19 Inquiry, NHS Resolution's second Early Notifications report, the roll-out of the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework and the implications of virtual wards.
Covid-19 Public Inquiry: What you can expect from Module 3
The Covid-19 Inquiry has opened its third investigation, Module 3, which is primarily focussed on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on healthcare in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Reading the signals: Maternity and neonatal services in East Kent – the report of the independent investigation
Dr Kirkup’s pessimism has led him to propose a new approach to major service failure in maternity services.
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme: £635m funding available
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Phase 3b Application Portal will open on Wednesday, October 12 at 2pm. £635m of grant funding will be available across 2023/24 and 2024/25
Covid-19 Public Inquiry: What you can expect from Module 2
The Covid-19 Inquiry has opened its second investigation, Module 2, which is primarily focussed on the decisions made by the UK and devolved governments. Learn about the scope, timeframe and how we can help in our insight.
Getting to grips with the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework
The new PSIRF replaces the 2015 Serious Incident Framework and governs the investigation of patient safety incidents in NHS-funded healthcare. It represents a ‘sea change’ in how the NHS responds to incidents, to achieve learning and improvement.
NHS Resolution publishes report on first year of clinical negligence claims in general practice
NHS Resolution’s analysis of data for the first year of the Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice has identified that quicker and more accurate diagnosis and improved prescribing processes could result in better patient outcomes.
Covid-19 Public Inquiry: Everything you need to know following the Chair’s opening statement
The Chair of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry set out how the Inquiry is going to function, including the breakdown of its first three ‘modules’. Find out what each module, Core Participant status and the costs protocol mean in practice.
How the Rent Arrears Arbitration Scheme can help commercial landlords recover outstanding rent payments
There is a legally binding arbitration process through which commercial landlords and tenants can resolve outstanding rent debts which have accrued during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out how the process works and if you can benefit from it.
Chief Coroner removes entitlement to conduct remote hearings and introduces power to hold inquests in writing
The Chief Coroner has published new guidance in respect of remote hearings (Guidance no. 42) and inquests in writing and rule 23 evidence (Guidance no. 29). We explore the changes and how they will impact your own proceedings in this insight.
Clinical Law Insight: Summer 2022
We cover the latest on the Covid-19 Inquiry, recommendations from the Ockenden report and NHS Resolution's thematic reviews of clinical negligence claims in emergency medicine, diabetes and lower limb complications, plus an analysis of anaesthesia claims.
Covid-19 Public Inquiry formally established and Terms of Reference finalised
On 28 June, the Prime Minister set the Terms of Reference of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, which means that the Inquiry has been formally established under the Inquiries Act 2005. Find out the key changes, topics and next step for the Inquiry in our insight.