Fixed recoverable costs (FRCs) – timetable delayed
FRCs in money claims (except clinical negligence) will not be implemented until October 2023 – a second extension of six months on the original timetable.
Private hospitals and MedTech companies will need to keep an eye on emerging product and general liability risks
The private sector is using technology to assist the NHS with post-Covid-19 waiting lists and wider resource issues.
There could be an increase in the cost of care claims, but a decrease in the cost of accommodation claims
The cost of care claims on higher value cases rose in 2022. With a limited number of carers and upward pressure on hourly rates (in part fuelled by the cost of living crisis) this trend is likely to continue into 2023.
Government prepares for Personal Injury Discount Rate (PIDR) review
The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) has issued a call for evidence to inform the decision-making process for its next PIDR review (due to be completed by July 2024).
Medical Malpractice and Casualty Forward View 2023
In our annual Forward View we look at some of the key topics for the year ahead ranging from the consultation on the discount rate and claims for provisional damages to the Covid-19 Inquiry and claims against private surgeons.
New legislation may mean more clinical trials, but ‘lighter touch’ regulation and some simplified procedures
The government’s response to the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority’s 2022 consultation on the future shape of clinical trials is awaited.
Covid-19 public inquiry: private hospitals may face requests for statements and documents
Module 3 of the public inquiry has a healthcare focus and includes use of the private sector during the pandemic. A virtual and streamed preliminary hearing is scheduled for 28 February 2023.
Civil Procedure Rules Committee (CPRC) may be the bearer of good news for defendants
Defendants may soon be able to enforce their costs against a claimant’s costs or damages obtained pursuant to a settlement.
Government issues six-week deadline for developers to sign up to remediation contract
Michael Gove has announced that property developers have six weeks to enter into a ‘remediation contract’ with the government or else face “significant consequences”.
In the News
Housing Case Law – January 2023
Our team of housing specialists summarises the latest cases and court decisions in one practical update, so you can devote more time to supporting your tenants.
Case study
Phased redevelopment at a busy London NHS acute hospital
In order to future proof the site, North Middlesex University Hospital needed to develop new and expanded clinical facilities, whilst also replacing ageing office accommodation used for various core support functions.
Government launches review of police officer dismissal process
On 18 January 2023 the Home Office launched a review of the police officer dismissal process to ensure it is effective at removing those who are not fit to serve the public.