The Court of Appeal ruled that the Government’s decision to award Covid-19 related contracts without public notice or competition was justified due to the pandemic. Find out why the case was dismissed, and what that means for contracting authorities.
Our podcast series helps contracting authorities navigate changes under the new Procurement Bill. In episode 1, Mary and Kat set out the proposed procurement procedures and transparency requirements in relation to new notices.
Our podcast series helps contracting authorities navigate changes under the new Procurement Bill. In episode 2, Mary and Kat explain how the Procurement Bill permits changes to live procurement processes and to contracts that have been entered into.
The report of Donna Ockenden’s review of maternity services found repeated failures in the quality of care and governance at the Trust as well as failures of monitoring by external bodies. Read the key recommendations and what they mean for you.
The terms of reference for the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry are set to expand, following a proposal from Baroness Hallett, the Inquiry’s Chair, to the Prime Minister on 12 May. In our insight, we explain which clarifications and additions you can expect.
The case illustrates the importance of putting in place appropriate access arrangements with third parties who work on NHS premises, and being able to justify how, why, and where patient information is stored and made available.
Read our monthly housing case law update, summarising the latest cases and court decisions in one practical update, so you can devote more time to supporting your tenants.
In the case of Rodgers v Leeds Laser Cutting Ltd, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) had its first opportunity to consider the fairness of a COVID-19 related dismissal. We explain what employers can learn from the case.
NHSEI's addendum to its service change guidance seeks to better align service reconfiguration and capital business cases and the evaluation criteria for preferred options. Learn how this will impact your business case, e.g. for the New Hospital Programme.
The 2022 Social Housing Finance Conference focused on the current economic and political instability, and what RPs can do to keep ahead of the curve. We summarise the key messages for housing providers we took away from the conference.
The Bill proposes changes to existing planning legislation including local government, planning, and compulsory purchase. Our experts explore the potential changes to the planning system and the impacts they could have on the delivery of new housing.
Case study
Our work on the development of two new multi-storey car parks for Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust sets a positive example on how to access much-needed capital funding, free up additional land and benefit from outsourced services.