Police medical appeal board ordered to reassess amendment to injury pension
This decision is relevant to both police and fire service employers in respect of their injury benefit schemes.
Government triggers Article 50 – implications for your workforce
With today’s triggering of Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty
Twitter defamation: Columnist ordered to pay £24,000 for defamatory tweets
Two tweets posted by columnist Katie Hopkins have been found by the high Court
From 3 April - DoLS no longer a death 'in state detention'
In recent years the law has developed to require all deaths where a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) authorisation was in place to be referred to the coroner.
Service provision changes and the principal purpose test
A decision that will be of interest to all those involved in the commissioning and provision of services and care plans.
Further requirements for NHS providers wishing to engage off-payroll workers
Changes to the IR35 rules in respect of the taxation of off-payroll workers
An Inspector calls - but which one? The roles of HSE and CQC following health and safety incidents
The Health service journal reported earlier this week that southern health
Police and fire: Which model?
An insight into the effects of The Policing and Crime Act 2017.
Update on IR35 changes
HMRC has now published its much-anticipated electronic tool for determining whether off-payroll engagements are “in scope” for the new IR35 rules that will apply from 6th April 2017.
Trade union act in force from 1 March 2017
The main provisions of the trade union act 2016 (the Act) come into effect today, 1 March 2017.
CQC announces new partnerships with charities plus charity sector update
The Care Quality Commission (“CQC”) has established new partnerships with six national charities
Unmarried cohabitants entitled to receive survivor’s pension
UK public sector pension schemes, including the NHS pension scheme