Anatomy of a Claim - Cauda Equina Injury - a Claimant and Defendant perspective

Join us on 14 September 2023 for the next in our Anatomy of a Claim series aiming to help medical professionals better understand the claims process.

Jennifer Harris (Legal Director - Claims) will introduce you to Rob Maughan (Principal Associate) and Kristi Bateman (Associate) in our specialist clinical negligence claims team who will take you through some of the challenges of investigating and defending cauda equina claims.

This will include consideration of:

  • Liability - What is the legal test and how do we investigate.
  • Why time is of the essence and how Claimant and Defendant experts often have very different views around timelines for surgery and the impact of this on causation and quantum.
  • Why understanding and evidencing the hypothetical / “but for” timeline can be just as important as actual events.
  • The importance of good records to aid those investigations.
  • Quantum - What heads of loss are likely to be claimed and how they are valued.
  • The financial impact of cauda equina claims on the NHS more generally.

This webinar will be of interest to medical professionals of all levels whether in NHS Trusts, primary, secondary, private or community healthcare. It will also be of interest to Directors, legal services and complaints managers as well as Governance and Risk teams dealing with claims.

Event contact

If you have any queries about this event, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

Additional information

Please note that unless otherwise stated our events are free to attend. Places at our events are subject to availability and awarded at the discretion of Capsticks. If space becomes limited at this event and we may need to restrict numbers attending from individual organisations.