Investment Zones
As part of the levelling-up agenda, the UK government announced the creation of eight Investment Zones in England in order to “drive business investment and level up” areas of potential outside of London.
Combined Authorities
The main purpose for establishing CAs is to improve the delivery of public services and other public functions across the area concerned.
Local Government Forward View 2023
Welcome to the Local Government Forward View where we take a look at what’s on the local government agenda in bite size chunks. It has been put together with the proficiency of our various experts.
The latest on RAAC and what it means for RPs and local authorities
RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) has caused significant disruption to the start of the new school year with over 100 schools having to shut this week. RAAC now poses a similar threat to Registered Providers and local authorities.
Minimum service levels during strike action – the proposed ‘reasonable steps’ Code of Practice
The government has opened a consultation on the draft statutory Code of Practice which sets out the steps a trade union should take to be compliant with the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act. We summarise what it means for employers.
The Procurement Bill – consultation is now open on secondary legislation
The Cabinet Office has commenced a consultation on the secondary legislation to be implemented under the Procurement Bill. Capsticks’ procurement team summarises what it covers and what this means for public procurement in 2024 and beyond.
How will the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill change the landscape for local government in 2024 and beyond
The Local Government Association (“LGA”) has stated it is pleased by the Government’s commitment to speed up the process to devolution by 2030.
How will the Renter’s (Reform) Bill affect local governments?
The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill (Reul) received its third reading in the Lords on Monday 22 May.
The GM2030 report – which role will local housing providers play?
By 2030, Greater Manchester aims to become a place of innovation, reach its net zero targets and create highly skilled jobs for people to come and live in the region. Learn more about the key proposals impacting on housing and regeneration in our insight.