Employee’s covert recording of meeting did not breach implied term of trust and confidence
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has ruled that an employee was not in breach of the implied duty of trust and confidence when she secretly recorded a meeting with HR.
Pro Bono work undermined by widespread closures in free legal advice services
Alarming figures published by the government show that half of the free legal advice law centres in England & Wales disappeared in just 6 years.
Health and Safety concerns lead to spike in referrals to the Regulator
An interesting article in Inside House yesterday revealed that there was a spike in RPs referring themselves to the Regulator over health and safety concerns in the aftermath of the Grenfell fire.
NHSE and NHSI set targets to reduce disciplinary cases involving BME staff
NHS England and NHS Improvement have set targets for reducing number of disciplinary cases involving black and minority ethnic (BME) employees throughout the NHS as part of a drive towards a just culture.
Housing case law - July 2019
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
5 thoughts on the BA ICO (intention to) fine
The staged regulatory process led to confusing misrepresentations in the press this morning.
The role of Place in Health and Wellbeing Boards
We have looked at the role of place in Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and how this links to the housing sector's aims.
Court of Appeal upholds claim of perceived disability discrimination against police force
In the first case of perceptive discrimination to come before the Court of Appeal, the Court has upheld the decision of the EAT that a police officer was discriminated against when she was refused a transfer because of a perceived disability.
Implications of Deprivation of Liberty Changes for Care Homes
On 16 May the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 replaced the current Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards regime with the Liberty Protection Safeguards. We outline some of the key changes and the concerns for care home registered managers.
An invisibility cloak....
I’ve been hobbling around now for 3 weeks with a broken ankle and torn ligament. It’s fair to say it’s already losing its appeal so it anyone wants to take me out for lunch or on day trips... feel free.
Housing: What next from the Government?
Theresa May's speech at the Housing 2019 conference confirmed that the action plan and implementation timescales for the Green Paper will be released in September.
Do you and your Primary Care Network members have a lease in place where one is needed?
A GP practice must have its property ‘housekeeping’ in order, but as practices move forward with their Primary Care Networks it is vital they are in a strong position. We take you through the when and whys of GP lease arrangements and how we can help.