Rod Fripp

IT Director

Rod is the IT director at Capsticks and has held a number of legal IT leadership roles over the years, focusing on security, innovation and efficiency through the use of technology. Rod is responsible for setting out the IT strategy and leading the IT department to support the business and help Capsticks achieve its growth ambitions.

Rod’s particular area of expertise stems from his youth when he began coding, he formalised his early experience with a degree in Business Information Systems. Rod has built on this expertise and experience to successfully lead multiple IT departments in becoming critical components of a successful business.

Notable projects

  • Multiple law firm mergers and acquisitions
  • Major Business System upgrades
  • Security Reviews and strategy development
  • Practice Management upgrades
  • Major budget reviews, aimed at improving profitability


  • B COM (Business Information Systems) – University of Wollongong

Contact Rod Fripp