For Profit Registered Providers - The Future of Housing?

On Tuesday 4 June, our panel of expert speakers looked at for profit registered providers (RPs). Once controversial, it is now accepted that for profit RPs are essential to delivering affordable housing at scale.

Our Housing Partners Naomi Roper, Head of Banking and Darren Hooker, Head of Governance, were joined by Steve Partridge, Director of Savills and Cassie Berry, Associate of Savills, where together they explored:

  • What are for profit RPs?
  • Why RPs/developers/local authorities are looking to set up for profit RPs within their group
  • How to register a for profit RP and some of the common pitfalls to avoid during the registration process
  • Lessons learned from financing profit RPs
  • Risks and opportunities presented by the for profit RP model and how we see it evolving