NHS estates essentials: Managing staff accommodation
Join us for the seventh event in our Estates Essentials series of webinars, developed exclusively for NHS estates teams.
This session will focus on managing your NHS staff accommodation.
The first part of the session will consider law and best practice for the grant of ASTs and licences, including legal requirements to be satisfied and the terms that an NHS organisation should expect to include.
The second part of the session will apply these principles to the termination of ASTs, including the legal, procedural and evidential requirements that an NHS organisation will need to meet to bring an AST to an end.
Finally, we will consider the best approach to take when decommissioning staff accommodation, including tips to make the process as straightforward as possible.
The law concerning the provision of residential accommodation is a potential minefield and there are several pitfalls which can catch you out. We hope that by giving you advanced knowledge of the types of issues that can arise, this session will help you to avoid problems down the line – prevention is indeed better than cure.
Attendees will be treated to an engaging and lively discussion from our speakers and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.
Event contact
If you have any queries about this event, please get in touch with us at [email protected]
Additional information
Please note that unless otherwise stated our events are free to attend. Places at our events are subject to availability and awarded at the discretion of Capsticks. If space becomes limited at this event and we may need to restrict numbers attending from individual organisations.