Procurement reform – the timetable for change
The Cabinet Office has now given an indication of the timetable for procurement reform, with the new legislation expected in 2023 at the earliest. This is later than we had anticipated. Read more on what to expect and how to prepare in our insight.
CCG close down and ICB establishment due diligence: Your questions answered
The Health and Care Bill provides for the abolition of CCGs and the transfer of assets, rights, liabilities and staff to ICBs. We summarise key due diligence milestones, how it should be carried out, and where legal support is recommended.
Mandatory vaccination requirements for care home workers: What employers need to know
New regulations will come into force on 11 November 2021, requiring all persons working or deployed in a CQC registered care home to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, unless an exemption applies. We provide you with the latest developments.
In the News
Housing case law - September 2021
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
Government report heralds regulatory change in the non-surgical aesthetic sector
Lack of regulation of non-surgical aesthetic treatments has long been the subject of considerable debate. Now that the APPG has published its report into advanced aesthetic non-surgical cosmetic treatments, will we see changes in the sector?
Public procurement “how to” series: Episode 3 – The selection stage
In this episode Kay Day and Mary Mundy discuss the selection stage of the procurement procedure, including the purpose of selection questions, the importance of finance tests and the need for staff training and robust record keeping at this stage.
Housing 2021 conference: The key topics providers should have on their radar
This year’s Housing conference highlighted a number of challenges for the sector. Chris Grose summarises and evaluates the topics RPs need to be aware of, including sharing his own advice as well as tips from senior figures in the housing sector.
Government launches major consultation on the future of data protection law
The Government published a wide-ranging consultation on the future of data protection law and regulation. We summarise the key highlights and how you can influence the consultation.
New regulations on tenancy notice periods and prescribed forms – how they will affect housing providers
The Government has introduced new regulations coming into force on 1 October 2021, which detail amended notice periods to be given to tenants and three new forms to be used by landlords. We set out how the new regulations will affect housing providers.
In the News
Housing case law - July/August 2021
Read our monthly housing case law update, which includes recent cases from courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the #ukhousing sector.
Government announces plans for new obligations on employers to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
On 21 July 2021, the Government published its response to the consultation on sexual harassment in the workplace. We take a look at the proposed changes following the consultation, and what will be the impact on employers.
Joint ventures: The benefits and implications for RPs and developers explained
At our recent webinar we discussed some of the considerations for RPs and developers before entering into a JV, as well as the benefits and different structures. In case you missed it, we set out some of the key points.