In the News
Housing Case Law - June 2022
Read our monthly housing case law update, summarising the latest cases and court decisions in one practical update, so you can devote more time to supporting your tenants.
Procurement Bill podcast: Episode 5 - Challenges and remedies
Our podcast series helps you navigate changes under the upcoming Procurement Bill. In episode 5, Mary and Dylan summarise the new rules which will apply to challenges from bidders as well as remedies, investigations and automatic suspensions.
Diabetes and lower limb complications: a thematic review of clinical negligence claims
Following the latest thematic review by NHS Resolution looking at the issue of diabetes and lower limb complications, we summarise when healthcare providers can step in to improve patient care, and how to prevent future harm.
Procurement Bill podcast: Episode 4 – Direct award
Our podcast series helps contracting authorities navigate changes under the upcoming Procurement Bill. In episode 4, Kat Day and Anjli Vyas explain how to make direct awards under the new legislation.
Duty of candour when applying to the Court to extend an interim order
In General Medical Council v Webberley [2021] EWHC 3620 (Admin), the Court was asked to consider an application to extend an interim order. Dr Webberley contested the GMC’s application. In this insight, Jackie Carson explores the decision in more detail.
High Court considers correct approach to the “rejected defence” issue
In Sawati v General Medical Council [2022] EWHC 283 (Admin), the High Court considered how to approach the situation where an individual’s defence has been discounted by a tribunal, and how that might be relevant to impairment and sanction.
Right to Buy Expansion- Key Points to Note
Boris Johnson has announced the government’s new Right to Buy scheme during his speech in Blackpool this afternoon. This follows on from a pilot scheme rolled out in the Midlands between 2018 and 2021.
Procurement Bill podcast: Episode 3 – Frameworks and dynamic markets
Our podcast series helps contracting authorities navigate changes under the new Procurement Bill. In episode 3, Kat Day and Jennifer Galligan summarise how the Procurement Bill will change the structure of frameworks and dynamic markets.
Manage the exclusion of medics under MHPS better with new best practice guidance
The NHS Resolution Practitioner Performance Advice service’s (PPA) guidance and resources clarify how medical practitioners should be excluded under the MHPS framework, and how you can best handle concerns about doctors and dentists.
Urgent circumstances can justify direct contract awards – the latest decision on Covid-19 related procurement
The Court of Appeal ruled that the Government’s decision to award Covid-19 related contracts without public notice or competition was justified due to the pandemic. Find out why the case was dismissed, and what that means for contracting authorities.
Late procurement challenges often fail – here’s why the limitation period is key to your claim
The bidder, Access for Living, confused the standstill extension with an extension to the limitation period, and missed the deadline for proceeding with a claim. We explain how the court made its decision and how you can avoid similar pitfalls.
Procurement Bill podcast: Episode 2 – Modifications
Our podcast series helps contracting authorities navigate changes under the new Procurement Bill. In episode 2, Mary and Kat explain how the Procurement Bill permits changes to live procurement processes and to contracts that have been entered into.