How will the Ground Rent reform change residential leases?
Going forward, leaseholders will (subject to a few exceptions) effectively pay nothing in respect of ground rent on new or replacement leases. We summarise everything landlords need to know about the new legislation.
Extension of protection for employees taking part in or preparing for industrial action overturned by Court of Appeal
This case discusses whether employees engaging in strike action should be protected from disadvantage by their employers. We summarise the latest court decision and what you need know about your employees’ rights in the event of industrial action.
A room with a view: Legal considerations for landlords regarding the use of Ring cameras and other domestic CCTV
Landlords are increasingly installing domestic CCTV to deter and detect fly-tipping, ASB, and using footage as evidence in enforcement. Read on for an overview of recent decisions and our advice on how you can minimise the risk of legal challenges.
Establishment of Integrated Care Boards: Understanding their composition, avoiding conflicts of interest and nominating board members
Read the latest guidance on the establishment and governance of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and the continuing progress of the Health and Care Bill through Parliament.
Procurement case law: the latest court decision considering the exclusion of bids, strict time limits, and implied contracts
Excession Technologies claimed that the Police Digital Service should have rejected another bid for being “abnormally low” and that it made errors in the scoring of bids. We summarise the case’s main questions and what the judgment means for you.
How will the First Homes scheme impact registered providers?
The First Homes scheme is the Government’s new preferred tenure ahead of social rent. In this insight, we examine the First Homes scheme and set out the issues RPs need to be aware of.
What to do now if you hold contracts or procurement processes with suppliers from Russia and Belarus
The Cabinet Office has issued a new Procurement Policy Note in relation to contracts with suppliers from Russia and Belarus, with guidance on how organisations might “cut ties” with companies backed by these states following the invasion of Ukraine.
Court of Appeal dismisses appeal by the General Osteopathic Council, but provides welcome commentary on the handling of conditional discharges
Jo Howard explores some of the key points to be drawn from the Court of Appeal’s decision in respect of the handling of conditional discharges in disciplinary proceedings.
High Court holds Interim Orders Tribunal failed to apply correct test in freedom of expression case
The High Court has overturned a decision of the IOT of the GMC to impose conditions on the registration of a doctor prohibiting him from using social media to share his views on Covid-19. We explain the judgment and its potential effects for regulators.
Draft terms of reference published for UK Covid-19 Inquiry
The scope of the inquiry into preparations for and the response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been published and is now subject to a public consultation. Find out what the terms of reference mean for the NHS and how to take part in the consultation.
How will the Levelling Up White Paper change the social housing sector?
The White Paper recognises that social housing will play a significant role in narrowing the gap between top performing and other areas of the country. We summarise the key announcements for social housing from the perspective of RPs and developers.
What procurement teams and providers of healthcare services need to know about the new consultation on the provider selection regime
The Department of Health and Social Care has published another consultation paper on the Provider Selection Regime. Learn the key points in the consultation paper and its implications for those commissioning and providing healthcare services for the NHS.