Clinical Law Insight: Spring 2022
Read the latest on the COVID-19 Inquiry and themes for Covid-related inquests and claims. Also: the government’s response to the Paterson Inquiry report, proposals for a new Special Health Authority and managing risk around the expansion of virtual wards.
Why it is important to keep your partnership deed up to date and details of our offer to support you with this
Having an up to date partnership deed in place is an effective way of governing how the partners operate in partnership together. We have set out a few key points to help you understand when you need to update your partnership deed.
Hughes v Rattan – Court of Appeal reaffirms Barclays decision on vicarious liability
The Court of Appeal determined whether the former owner of a dental practice was liable for the treatment provided to a patient by three self-employed dental associates. Find out what the decision means for healthcare providers.
Does the Consumer Code for Home Builders benefit registered providers?
The Consumer Code for Home Builders operates to provide additional protection to those purchasing newly built properties from developers and builders. We provide our answers to frequently asked questions we have received from RPs.
Information governance and employment law issues in the workplace
As an employer, you need to deal with various types of information governance issues. In this video, we explore some key issues you need to be aware of, from subject access requests to covert recordings and overseas working.
Public procurement “how to” series: Episode 4 – Evaluation and moderation
Kay Day and Mary Mundy discuss evaluation and moderation in procurement processes, including obligations, information that evaluators need to record, and what sort of information might be disclosable in a procurement challenge.
The integration white paper: Developing place-based partnerships
The Government published its integration white paper, “Joining up care for people, places and populations” last week. The white paper provides more detail of the expectations for place-based working between the NHS and local government.
Discharging patients from care: How NHS providers can avoid delays
Delayed discharge continues to be a serious issue for NHS Trusts, particularly in times of COVID-19 where the NHS is facing unprecedented pressures. In this insight, we summarise our top tips for minimising causes of delay and other actions you can take.
Sending data overseas – new International Data Transfer Agreements and updated guidance on staff working abroad
The Information Commissioner’s Office has finalised new standard clauses (known as the IDTA, or ‘international data transfer agreement’) to support international data flows. Find out how to use the new clauses in our insight.
Public Sector Equality Duty and disability discrimination in social housing: How can landlords stay compliant when taking legal action?
If you are thinking of taking legal action regarding a tenancy, considering whether you have done all you can to assist the tenant beforehand is vital. We summarise a recent example and explain the practical aspects you need to consider.
Spotlight on two liability decisions to watch out for in 2022
Two cases awaiting decisions from the Court of Appeal could have a significant impact for healthcare organisations.
There is likely to be an increase in the number of clinical trials
This year is likely to see a resurgence of non-Covid trials which have been postponed or paused in the last two years, and new trials for Covid treatments and vaccines (e.g. those based on conventional vaccine technology).